Osorkon I

Osorkon I in Tour Egypt

OSORKON (SEKHEMKHEPERRE-SETEPENRE) 924-909 B.C. 22ND DYNASTY Osorkon I is in the second king of the Twenty-second Dynasty. Between the reigns of Osorkon I and Takelot I, a Shoshenq II is often shown as a co-regent for a brief period of time....

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Osorkon I in Wikipedia

The son of Shoshenq I and his chief consort, Karomat A, Osorkon I was the second king of Egypt's 22nd Dynasty and ruled around 922 BC-887 BC. He succeeded his father Shoshenq I who probably died within a year of his successful 923 BC campaign against the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Osorkon I's reign is known for many temple building projects a...

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