O.T. Studies

King Solomon's Temple

Biblical Data In the midst of great prosperity in the land of Israel, King Solomon built a temple for the name of the Lord God. 'And Solomon reigned over all kingdoms from the river unto the land of the Philistines, and unto the border of Egypt: they brought presents, and served Solomon all the days of his life.' 1 Kings 4:21 Electronic Christian M...

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The Prophets

From 800-400 B.C. there was the flowering of the age of Prophecy. They can be broken down into several divisions. Electronic Christian Media...

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The act of creation is given in terms of fiat and fulfillment. There is the command 'let there be' and then the fulfillment 'then there was'. Electronic Christian Media...

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Divided Kingdom

From the days when Israel demanded a king like the other nations, not recognising that Yahweh was their king, Israel had been heading toward conflict. 2 Samuel 20 With the increase of Idolatry in Israel through Solomon's wives, God purposed to divide the kingdom in two in order to preserve for himself a people who would be faithful. Electronic Chri...

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Names of God

The Bible has many names for God and they are windows through which His character is seen. The names of God tell us many wonderful things about Him. Electronic Christian Media...

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The Fall

The fall of man is recorded in detail for us in Genesis 3. It is presented as history and not legend, fable or parable. 2 Corinthians 11:3; John 8:44 The names of places, rivers and other locations are identified to provide its historicity. Electronic Christian Media...

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The Exile

The term that is usually used for the Exile is Captivity. There were two major captivities of Jews recorded in the Bible. Israel was taken into Captivity in 732 B.C. by the Assyrians and Judah in 605 B.C. by the Babylonians. Each of them took place in stages over a period of time. Both were brought upon the people of God as judgment for disobedienc...

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Ten Commandments

The voice of God announced these words in the hearing of the whole assembly of Israel at the foot of Mt. Sinai. Deuteronomy 5:22 The finger of God inscribed them on both sides of the two stone tablets Exodus 31:18; 32:15 which Moses received on the mountain forty days after the making of the covenant. These were not the creation of Moses but rather...

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The Flood

There can be no greater event in the early period of the Old Testament which has stirred more controversy than the flood found in Genesis 6-9. Electronic Christian Media...

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Noah's Ark

God commanded Noah to build an ark to deliver Noah, his immediate family and every kind of animal from a universal flood which destroyed every living creature which lived upon the earth because of mans wickedness. Genesis 6 The word in Hebrew means chest, box or boat and is the same word used of the basket which Moses was placed in on the Nile rive...

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