O.T. Studies

Bible History Online

Images and resources for the study of Biblical history....

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Exactly WHEN was the name of YHWH revealed to Israel?

[Old Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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Evidence for the doctrine of the Trinity within the O.T.

Is there evidence for the doctrine of the Trinity within the OT? [Old Testament Studies] [Answers & Evidence] [Bible History]...

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On the parting of the Red Sea

[Answers] [Bible History]...

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On the reversal of the sun by Isaiah

[Answers] [Bible History]...

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Who were the Sons of God in Genesis 6?

[Old Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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Transmission of the Old Testament

The OT was basically finished around 400 BC., but the earliest full copies (of all the books together) we have are from around 900 AD....we have fragments earlier, and can historically reconstruct the text back to around 100 AD. (beginning of the Talmudist period)...in this regards, the mss tradition is comparable to other classical literature...bu...

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Adam, Eve, and Incest

[Old Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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On Joshua's 'long day'

[Answers] [Bible History]...

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Israel's knowledge of Canaanite practices BEFORE the exodus

What data do we have that helps us formulate an understanding of how Israel had 'access' to data about Canaan? [Old Testament Studies] [Answers & Evidence] [Bible History]...

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