Near East

The Persians, Timeline and Information

Take a look at this timeline covering the events of the empire from its rise to eventual defeat by Alexander the Great....

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The Babylonians

Learn about ancient Babylonia...

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Ancient Greece: The Persian Wars

Learn a bit about the wars and how they affected Ancient Greece....

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HWC, The Persian Wars

Step by step info about the Persian Wars against Ancient Greece and the Persian Empire....

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The Battle of Marathon

Check out this detailed text article about this battle of the Persian Wars....

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Persian Gulf War

Read a student's report on this conflict between the new world order and Iraq and Kuwait....

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Anthropology On-Line Exhibits

Check out several different exhibits on various topics including the history of eating utensils, ceramics of the Persian Empire, and more....

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Mesopotamia Glossary: Cuneiform

Locate ancient civilizations from Central and South America, Europe, Egypt, the Orient, and China on a map and learn a little bit about each one....

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Assyrian Page: Hammurabi's Code of Laws

You be the judge. About the Code Two hundred eighty-two laws, concerning a wide variety of abuses, justify Hammurabi's claim of having acted "like a real father to his people . . . [who] has established prosperity . . . and (gave) good government to the land."...

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Mesopotamia: Lectures

Outlines of facts about geography, Sumerian civilization, Hebrew civilization, the Persian empire, Hittites, Phoenicians, Assyrians, and Chaldeans....

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