
Ancient Nain - Map of New Testament Israel

NA`IN (beauty, dwelling). Now Nein, is a small village of Galilee, near Mt. Tabor. Christ raised from death the widow`s son near its gate, Luke 7:12....

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Ancient Nabatea - Kids Bible maps

This map shows the region of Nabatea in the land of ancient Israel. The region of Nabatea was conquered by the Romans under the rule of Pompey. He restored the cities that were destroyed by the Jews and set up the Decapolis. The region of Nabatea was used by the Romans as a buffer state against the desert tribes and prospered when it official...

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Ancient Nain - Kids Bible maps

This map shows the town of Nain where Jesus visited brought a widow`s son back to life! The Bible says that Jesus was saddened when he entered the town and saw that a widowed woman`s only son had died. He told her not to cry, then commanded her son to get up--and he did!...

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Nain in Easton's Bible Dictionary

(from Heb. nain, "green pastures," "lovely"), the name of a town near the gate of which Jesus raised to life a widow's son (Luke 7:11-17). It is identified with the village called Nein, standing on the north-western slope of Jebel ed-Duhy (=the "hill Moreh" = "Little hermon"), about 4 miles from Tabor and 25 southwest of Capernaum. At the...

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Nain in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

The scene of Christ's raising the widow's son (Luke 7:12). Now Nein on N.W. verge of jebel ed Duhy (Little Hermon) where it slopes down to Esdraelon plain. The rock W. of the village abounds in cave tombs, also in the E. side. Eighteen miles from Capernaum, where Jesus had been the preceding day. Josephus (Ant. 20:5, section 1) notices Nain as...

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Nain in Hitchcock's Bible Names

beauty; pleasantness...

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Nain Scripture - Luke 7:11

And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people....

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Nain in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

na'-in (Navi): This town is mentioned in Scripture only in connection with the visit of Jesus and the miracle of raising the widow's son from the dead (Lk 7:11). The name persists to this day, and in the form of Nein clings to a small village on the northwestern slope of Jebel ed-Duchy ("Hill of Moreh"), the mountain which, since the Middle A...

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Nain in Naves Topical Bible

(A city in Galilee) -Jesus restores to life a widow's son in Lu 7:11...

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Nain in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(beauty), a village of Galilee, the gate of which is made illustrious by the raising of the widow's son. Lu 7:12 The modern Nein is situated on the northwestern edge of the "Little Hermon," or Jebel-ed-Duhy, where the ground falls into the plain of Esdraelon. The entrance to the place, where our Saviour met the funeral, must probably always ha...

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