Maximianus Herculius

Aristomĕnes in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

(Ἀριστομένης). A Messenian, the hero of the second war with Sparta, who belongs more to legend than to history. He was a native of Andania, and was sprung from the royal line of Aepytus. Tired of the yoke of Sparta, he began the war in B.C. 685. After the defeat of the Messenians, in the third year of the war, Aristomenes retreated to the mountain ...

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Maximianus Herculius in Roman Biography

Max-im'i-an, [Fr. Maximien, maVse'me-i.N' ; Lat. Maximia'nus,] or, more fully, Mar'cus Vale'rius Maximia'nus, a Roman emperor, born in Pannonia, was the son of a peasant. He had obtained high rank in the army when Diocletian, in 286 A.D., adopted him as his colleague in the empire. In the division of the empire, Italy and Africa were assigned to Ma...

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Maximianus Herculius in Wikipedia

Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus (c. 250 – c. July 310),[8] commonly known as Maximian, was Roman Emperor from 285 to 305. He was Caesar[1][2] from 285 to 286, then Augustus from 286[3] to 305.[4] He shared the latter title with his co-emperor and superior, Diocletian, whose political brain complemented Maximian's military brawn. Maximian esta...

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Maximiānus, M. Aurelius Valerius in Harpers Dictionary

A Roman emperor, who ruled A.D. 286-305, originally a Pannonian soldier. He was made by Diocletian his colleague in the Empire, but was compelled to abdicate along with the latter. (See Diocletianus.) When his son Maxentius assumed the imperial title in the following year (306 A.D.), he resided some time at Rome; but being expelled from the ci...

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