
Lycaonia in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(land of Lycanon, or wolf land), a district of Asia Minor. From what is said in Ac 14:11 of "the speech of Lycaonia," it is evident that the inhabitants of the district, in St. Paul's day, spoke something very different from ordinary Greek. Whether the language was some Syrian dialect or a corrupt form of Greek has been much debated. The fact ...

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Lycaonia in Easton's Bible Dictionary

an inland province of Asia Minor, on the west of Cappadocia and the south of Galatia. It was a Roman province, and its chief towns were Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. The "speech of Lycaonia" (Acts 14:11) was probably the ancient Assyrian language, or perhaps, as others think, a corrupt Greek intermingled with Syriac words. Paul preached in ...

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Lycaonia in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

A province in the S. of Asia Minor, having Galatia on the N., Cappadocia E., Pisidia and Phrygia W., Cilicia S. A bare tableland without trees or lakes of fresh water (but many salt lakes), only fit for sheep pasture. "The speech of Lycaonia" was probably a corrupt mixture of Greek and Syriac; the people's objects of worship were those of the ...

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Lycaonia Scripture - Acts 14:6

They were ware of [it], and fled unto Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and unto the region that lieth round about:...

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Lycaonia Scripture - Acts 14:11

And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men....

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Lycaonia in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

lik-a-o'-ni-a, li-ka-o'-ni-a (Lukaonia (Acts 14:6), Lukaonisti, (Acts 14:11, "in the speech of Lycaonia"); Lycaonia is meant, according to the South Galatian view, by the expression ten Galatiken choran, in Acts 18:23, and the incidents in Acts 16:1-4 belong to Lycaonia): Was a country in the central and southern part of Asia Minor whose boun...

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Lycaonia in Naves Topical Bible

(A province of Asia Minor) -Paul visits towns of Ac 14:6-21; 16:1,2...

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