Great Tools

Fox`s Book of Martyrs

Edited by William Byron Forbush. It is more than a record of persecution. Courtesy of the Media Management`s Bible Study Tools....

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Sketches of Church History

From AD 33 to the Reformation, by Rev. J. C Robertson, M.A., Canon of Canterbury. Courtesy of the Media Management`s Bible Study Tools....

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Creeds, Confessions and Catechisms

The Apostle`s Creed, The Athanasian Creed, The Nicene Creed, The Augsburg Confession, The Westminster Confession, The Second Helvetic Confession, A Puritan Confession of Faith, The Westminster Catechism - Shorter Version, The Westminster Catechism - Larger Version, The Heidelberg Catechism, A Puritan Catechism, Bible Study Tools....

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AutoIllustrator Online

Searchs a database of 940 free illustrations. Useful in any public speaking in a religious setting. The illustrations were gathered from the book Illustrations for Biblical Preaching as well as some periodicals. Bible Study Tools....

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Early Church Fathers

Ante-Nicene Fathers. Polycarp, Tertullian, Julius Africanus, more"" Courtesy of the Media Management`s Bible Study Tools....

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The Works of Flavius Josephus

Searchs the works. (also includes full text). Bible Study Tools....

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Torrey`s Topical Textbook

Bible Study Tools....

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Wesley`s Explanatory Notes

Bible Study Tools....

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Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Topical parallel reference. Bible Study Tools....

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