
Glaucus in Wikipedia

Glaucus (Greek: Γλαῦκος) was a Greek sea-god. His parentage is different in the different traditions, which Athenaeus lists (Athen. vii. c. 48 , Claud. de Nupt. Mar. x. 158.): Theolytus the Methymnaean, in his Bacchic Odes - Copeus (also records an affair between Glaucus and Ariadne) Promathides of Heraclea, in his Half Iambics - Polybus of Sic...

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Glaucus in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

7. Of Anthedon in Boeotia, a fisherman, who had the good luck to eat a part of the divine herb which Cronos had sown, and which made Glaucus immortal. (Ath. 7.295; Claud. de Nupt. Mar. 10.158.) His parentage is different in the different traditions, which are enumerated by Athenaeus; some called his father Copeus, others Polybus, the husband ...

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