Glaucus in Wikipedia
Glaucus (Greek: Γλαῦκος) was a Greek sea-god. His parentage is
different in the different traditions, which Athenaeus lists
(Athen. vii. c. 48 , Claud. de Nupt. Mar. x. 158.):
Theolytus the Methymnaean, in his Bacchic Odes - Copeus (also
records an affair between Glaucus and Ariadne)
Promathides of Heraclea, in his Half Iambics - Polybus of
Sicyon (by his wife Euboea)
Mnaseas, in Book III of his History of the Affairs of Europe -
Anthedon and Alcyone
Euanthes, in his Hymn to Glaucus - Poseidon and the nymph
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