
Eutropius in Roman Biography

Eu-tro'pl-us, [Fr. Eutrope, uh'tRop',] sometimes called Fla'vius Eutro'pius, a Latin historian of the fourth century. He-was secretary to the emperors Constantine and Julian, the latter of whom he attended in his expedition against the Parthians. He wrote an " Epitome of Roman History" (" Breviarium Rerum Romanorum") from the foundation of the city...

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Eutropius in Wikipedia

Flavius Eutropius was an Ancient Roman Pagan historian who flourished in the latter half of the 4th century. He held the office of secretary (magister memoriae) at Constantinople, accompanied the Emperor Julian (361–363) on his expedition against the Persians (363), and was alive during the reign of Valens (364–378), to whom he dedicates his ...

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Eutropius in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

A Latin historian of the fourth century. He bore arms under Julian in his expedition against the Parthians, as he himself informs us (x. 16), and is thought to have risen to senatorial rank. Suidas makes him of Italian origin, while some modern writers, on the other hand, advance the hypothesis that he was a native of Gaul, and was perhaps id...

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