
Electra in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

2. A daughter of Atlas and Pleione, was one of the seven Pleiades, and became by Zeus the mother of Jasion and Dardanus. (Apollod. 3.10.1, 12. §§ 1, 3.) According to a tradition preserved in Servius (Serv. ad Aen. 1.32, 2.325, 3.104, 7.207) she was the wife of the Italian king Corythus, by whom she had a son Jasion; whereas by Zeus she was the...

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Electra in Wikipedia

The Pleiad Electra /ɨˈlɛktrə/ of Greek mythology was one of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Electra was the wife of Corythus. She was raped by Zeus and gave birth to Dardanus, who became the founder of Troy, ancestor of Priam and his house. According to one legend, she was the lost Pleiad, disappearing in grief after the destruction ...

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