Electra in Wikipedia
The Pleiad Electra /ɨˈlɛktrə/ of Greek mythology was one of
the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Electra was the wife
of Corythus. She was raped by Zeus and gave birth to Dardanus,
who became the founder of Troy, ancestor of Priam and his
house. According to one legend, she was the lost Pleiad,
disappearing in grief after the destruction of Troy. She was
called Atlantis by Ovid, personifying the family of Pleiades.
Electra means "amber," "shining," and "bright."
The Pirt-Kopan-noot tribe of Australia have a legend of a lost
Pleiad, making this the queen of the remaining six. The lost
Pleiad is revered by the heavenly Crow (Canopus) and never
returns to her home after she is carried away by him.
Thy beauty shrouded by the heavy veil Thy wedlock won.
(Elizabeth Worthington Fiske).[1] - Wikipedia
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