
Chesed Scripture - Genesis 22:22

And Chesed, and Hazo, and Pildash, and Jidlaph, and Bethuel....

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Chesed in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ke'-sed, kes'-ed (kasdim; Chaszad): One of the sons of Nahor and Milcah (Gen 22:22); was probably the father of the Casdim. The early Babylonian form Kasdu appears in Assyrian as Kaldu or Kaldu. English Versions of the Bible follows the Assyrian and Greek style of writing the name and uses Chaldees or Chaldeans instead of Casdim. The Chaldeans...

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Chesed in Naves Topical Bible

Son of Nahor Ge 22:22...

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Chesed in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(increase), fourth son of Nahor. Ge 22:22...

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Chesed in Easton's Bible Dictionary

gain, the son of Nahor (Gen. 22:22)....

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Chesed in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Nahor's fourth son (Genesis 22:22)....

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