
Aristobulus Scripture - Romans 16:10

Salute Apelles approved in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobulus' [household]....

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Aristobulus I in Wikipedia

Judah (Yehudah, Heb. יהודה) Aristobulus I (reigned 104-103 BC) was a king of the Hebrew Hasmonean Dynasty, and the eldest of the five sons of King John Hyrcanus. He was the first of the Hasmonean rulers to call himself "king." According to the Hebrew Scriptures, only descendants of Judah, or, more specifically, the House of David, were qualif...

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Aristobulus in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ar-is-to-bu'-lus (Aristoboulos, "best counselor"): (1) Son of the Maccabean, John Hyrcanus, who assumed the power and also the title of king after his father's death (105 BC) and associated with him, as co-regent, his brother Antigonus (Ant., XIII, xi), though by the will of his father the government was entrusted to his mother. Three other br...

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Aristobulus in Naves Topical Bible

A Christian at Rome Ro 16:10...

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Aristobulus in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(the best counsellor), a resident at Rome, some of whose household are greeted in Ro 16:10 Tradition makes him one of the 70 disciples and reports that he preached the gospel in Britain....

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Aristobulus in Easton's Bible Dictionary

a Roman mentioned in Paul's Epistle to the Romans (16:10), whose "household" is saluated....

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Aristobulus in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Aristobulus, whose "household" is "saluted" (Romans 16:10). Himself not being greeted, it is likely either he was not a Christian or was absent from Rome. The family would hardly be called after him, if he were dead....

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