Ancient Other

Pagan, Burma2

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ancient Janus carving, Boa Island

Northern Ireland, County Fermanagh, Lake Erne, (Tony Stone Images)...

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Chac Mool Altar and Temple

Mexico, Yucatan, Chichen Itza, (Tony Stone Images)...

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Easter Island, Ahu Akiva statues

Chile, (Tony Stone Images)...

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Stone Statue of Buddha outside Wat Mahathat

Thailand, Sukhothai, This wat (temple-monastery) is the largest at Sukhothai (Tony Stone Images)...

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View across lake to `temple city`

Cambodia, Angkor Wat, (Tony Stone Images)...

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Western woman sat on ledge at `temple city`

Cambodia, Angkor Wat, (Tony Stone Images)...

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Tiger/Eagles Temple

Mexico, Yucatan, Maya-Tolec, Chichen- Itza Kukulkan, (Tony Stone Images)...

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