
Alcaeus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

Alcaeus (Ἀλκαῖος). A famous lyric poet of Mitylené, in Lesbos, an elder contemporary of Sappho. Towards the end of the seventh century B.C., as the scion of a noble house, he headed the aristocratic party in their contests with the tyrants of his native town, Myrsilus, Melanchrus, and others. Banished from home, he went on romantic expeditions as f...

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Alcaeus in Wikipedia

Alcaeus may refer to several ancient Greek figures, notably: * Alcaeus (mythology) (disambiguation), the son of Perseus and the father of Amphitryon * Alcaeus of Mytilene, a lyric poet of the archaic period * Alcaeus of Messene, a Greek epigrammatist of the late 3rd/early 2nd century BC * Alcaeus and Philiscus (2nd-century BC), two Epicurean p...

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