
Ahaziah in Wikipedia

(Hebrew: אֲחַזְיָהוּ‎, "held by Jehovah"; Douay-Rheims: Ochozias) was the name of two kings: Ahaziah of Israel Ahaziah of Judah...

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Ahaziah in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

AHAZIAH a-ha-zi'-a ('achazyah and 'achazyahu, "Yah holds, or sustains"): I. Ahaziah. Son of Ahab and Jezebel, eighth king of Israel (1 Ki 22:51 through 2 Ki 1:18). 1. His Reign: Ahaziah became king over Israel in the seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, and he reigned two years, 854- 853 BC. There is, here an incongruity between the ...

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Ahaziah in Naves Topical Bible

1. King of Judah. Called AZARIAH and JEHOAHAZ 2Ch 21:17; 25:23 History of 2Ki 8:25-29; 9:16-29 Gifts of, to the temple 2Ki 12:18 Brethren of, slain 2Ki 10:13,14 Succeeded by Athaliah 2Ch 22:10-12 -2. King of Israel History of 1Ki 22:40,49,51-53; 2Ch 20:35-37; 2Ki 1 Succeeded by Jehoram 2Ki 3:1...

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Ahaziah in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(sustained by the Lord). 1. Son of Ahab and Jezebel eighth king of Israel, reigned B.C. 896-895. After the battle of Ramoth in Gilead, in which Ahab perished [AHAB], the vassal king of Moab refused his yearly tribute; comp. Isa 16:1 Before Ahaziah could take measures for enforcing his claim, he was seriously injured by a fall through a latti...

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Ahaziah in Easton's Bible Dictionary

held by Jehovah. (1.) The son and successor of Ahab. He followed the counsels of his mother Jezebel, and imitated in wickedness the ways of his father. In his reign the Moabites revolted from under his authority (2 Kings 3:5-7). He united with Jehoshaphat in an attempt to revive maritime trade by the Red Sea, which proved a failure (2 Chr...

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Ahaziah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

("whom Jehovah holds".) 1. Son of Ahab and Jezebel; king of Israel; a worshipper of Jeroboam's calves, and of his mother's idols, Baal and Ashtoreth. After the Israelite defeat at Ramoth Gilead. Syria was master of the region E. of Jordan; so Moab (2 Kings 1:1; 2 Kings 3:5), heretofore tributary to Israel, refused the yearly tribute of 100,0...

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Ahaziah in Hitchcock's Bible Names

seizure; vision of the Lord...

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Ahaziah Scripture - 2 Kings 12:18

And Jehoash king of Judah took all the hallowed things that Jehoshaphat, and Jehoram, and Ahaziah, his fathers, kings of Judah, had dedicated, and his own hallowed things, and all the gold [that was] found in the treasures of the house of the LORD, and in the king's house, and sent [it] to Hazael king of Syria: and he went away from Jerusalem....

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Ahaziah Scripture - 2 Kings 9:21

And Joram said, Make ready. And his chariot was made ready. And Joram king of Israel and Ahaziah king of Judah went out, each in his chariot, and they went out against Jehu, and met him in the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite....

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Ahaziah Scripture - 2 Kings 14:13

And Jehoash king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Jehoash the son of Ahaziah, at Bethshemesh, and came to Jerusalem, and brake down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim unto the corner gate, four hundred cubits....

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