
Admetus in Wikipedia

In Greek mythology, Admetus (pronounced /ædˈmiːtəs/, in Greek: Άδμητος Admetos, "untamed", "untameable"[1][2]) was a king of Pherae in Thessaly, succeeding his father Pheres after whom the city was named. Admetus was one of the Argonauts and took part in the Calydonian Boar hunt. Admetus was famed for his hospitality and justice. When Apollo w...

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Admetus in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

(*)/Admhtos), a son of Pheres, the founder and king of Pherae in Thessaly, and of Periclymene or Clymene. (Apollod. 1.9.2, 9.14.) He took part in the Calydonian chase and the expedition of the Argonauts. (Apollod. 1.9.16; Hyg. Fab. 14. 173.) When he had succeeded his father as king of Pherae, he sued for the hand of Alcestis, the daughter of P...

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