Admetus in Wikipedia

In Greek mythology, Admetus (pronounced /ædˈmiːtəs/, in Greek: Άδμητος Admetos, "untamed", "untameable"[1][2]) was a king of Pherae in Thessaly, succeeding his father Pheres after whom the city was named. Admetus was one of the Argonauts and took part in the Calydonian Boar hunt. Admetus was famed for his hospitality and justice. When Apollo was sentenced to a year of servitude to a mortal as punishment for killing Delphyne, or as later tradition has it, the Cyclops, the god chose Admetus' home and became his herdsman. Apollo in recompense for Admetus' treatment- the Hellenistic poet Callimachus of Alexandria[3] makes him Apollo's eromenos- made all the cows bear twins while he served as his cowherd. [4]...

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