2 Chronicles 4 - Wycliffe Bible (WYC)

4 Also he made a brazen altar of twenty cubits of length, and of twenty cubits of breadth, and of ten cubits of height; (And he made a bronze altar twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and ten cubits in height;)

2 he made also a molten sea, that is, a great washing vessel for priests, of ten cubits from brink to brink, round by compass; it had five cubits of height; and a cord of thirty cubits (en)compassed the compass thereof. (and he made a round Sea, that is, a great washing vessel for the priests, cast in bronze, ten cubits in diameter from brim to brim; it had five cubits of height; and it took a cord thirty cubits long to go all around its circumference.)

3 And the likeness of oxen was under it, and by ten cubits some gravings withoutforth (en)compassed the brink of the sea, as with twain orders; and the oxen were molten. (And under it were the likeness of oxen, and for thirty cubits some engravings on the outside went all around the brim of the Sea, in two rows; and they were cast together with it.)

4 And that sea was set upon twelve oxen, of which oxen three beheld to the north, and (an)other three to the west, and three others beheld to the south, and [the] three that were residue beheld (to) the east, and these had the sea set above them (and the Sea was set upon them); but the hinder parts of the oxen were within under the sea.

5 And the thickness of the sea had the measure of the palm of an hand, and the brink thereof was as the brink of a cup (and its brim was like the brim of a cup), either as of a lily crooked again, and the sea held three thousand metretes of measure.

6 Also he made ten hollow vessels, and setted five at the right side, and five at the left side, that they should wash in those all things, which they should offer into burnt sacrifice; soothly the priests were washed in the sea. (And he made ten hollow vessels, and put five at the right side, and five at the left side, so that they could wash all the things in them that they would offer for the burnt sacrifice; but the priests washed in the Sea.)

7 Soothly he made ten golden candlesticks by the likeness which he had commanded to be made, and he setted those in the temple, five at the right side, and five at the left side.

8 And he made also ten tables, and he setted those in the temple, five at the right side, and five at the left side. Also he made an hundred golden vials, or basins (And he made a hundred gold basins).

9 Also he made a large place of (the) priests, and a great house, and [the] doors in the great house, which he covered with brass. (And he made a courtyard for the priests, and the great courtyard, and he covered the doors of both courtyards with bronze.)

10 And he setted the sea in the right side of the porch against the east at the south. (And he put the Sea on the right side of the courtyard toward the east at the south.)

11 Also Hiram made cauldrons, and fleshhooks, and vials, or basins, and he fulfilled all the work of the king in the house of God, (And Hiram made cauldrons, and fleshhooks, and basins, and so he finished all the work for the king for the House of God,)

12 that is, he made (the) two pillars, and their pommels, and (the) heads, and as some nets, that covered the heads above the pommels; (that is, he made the two pillars, and two bowl-shaped capitals on the tops of the pillars, and the networks that covered the bowl-shaped capitals on the tops of the pillars;)

13 also he made forty pomegranates, and two works like nets, so that the two orders of pomegranates were joined to each work like nets, which covered the pommels, and the heads of the pillars. (and he made four hundred pomegranates on the two networks, with two rows of pomegranates on each network, that covered the bowl-shaped capitals, that were on the tops of the pillars.)

14 He made also (the) foundaments, and (the) hollow vessels, which he set upon the foundaments;

15 he made one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea, (he made the one Sea, and the twelve oxen under the Sea,)

16 and cauldrons, and fleshhooks, and vials, or basins. Hiram, the father of Solomon, that is, (called so) for reason of age, either of excellence of craft, made to him all the vessels in the house of the Lord of cleanest brass. (and the cauldrons, and fleshhooks, and basins. Hiram, the father of Solomon, so called because of his age, or because of the excellence of his craftsmanship, made all the vessels for Solomon for the House of the Lord out of burnished bronze.)

17 The king melted out those vessels in the country(side) of Jordan, in [the] clay land between Succoth and Zeredathah.

18 Forsooth the multitude of vessels was unnumberable, so that the weight of brass was not known (so that the weight of the bronze was unknown).

19 And Solomon made all the vessels of God’s house, the golden altar, and (the) boards/the meat tables, and the loaves of setting forth upon those; (And Solomon also made all the vessels for God’s House, the gold altar, and the tables, on which the loaves of proposition, or the loaves of setting forth, were put;)

20 and candlesticks of purest gold, with their lanterns, that those should shine before God’s answering place, by the custom; (and the candlesticks, with their lanterns, out of the purest gold, which would shine before the Most Holy Place, that is, the Holy of Holies, after the custom;)

21 and he made some works like flowers, and lanterns, and golden tongs; all these things were made of cleanest gold (all these things were made out of the purest gold);

22 also he made pans for coals to burn incense, and censers, and vials, or basins, and mortars, of purest gold. And he engraved the doors of the inner temple, that is, in the holy of holy things, and the golden doors of the temple withoutforth; (and he made the pans for the coals to burn the incense, and the censers, and basins, and spoons, out of the purest gold. And the doors of the Inner Temple, that is, the doors for the Holy of Holies, or the Most Holy Place, and the outer doors of the Temple, were also made out of gold;)