Isaiah 4 - New International Version (NIV)

4 1 In that day(A) seven women
will take hold of one man(B)
and say, “We will eat our own food(C)
and provide our own clothes;
only let us be called by your name.
Take away our disgrace!”(D)

The Branch of the Lord

2 In that day(E) the Branch of the Lord(F) will be beautiful(G) and glorious, and the fruit(H) of the land will be the pride and glory(I) of the survivors(J) in Israel. 3 Those who are left in Zion,(K) who remain(L) in Jerusalem, will be called holy,(M) all who are recorded(N) among the living in Jerusalem. 4 The Lord will wash away the filth(O) of the women of Zion;(P) he will cleanse(Q) the bloodstains(R) from Jerusalem by a spirit[a] of judgment(S) and a spirit[b] of fire.(T) 5 Then the Lord will create(U) over all of Mount Zion(V) and over those who assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night;(W) over everything the glory[c](X) will be a canopy.(Y) 6 It will be a shelter(Z) and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge(AA) and hiding place from the storm(AB) and rain.


  1. Isaiah 4:4 Or the Spirit
  2. Isaiah 4:4 Or the Spirit
  3. Isaiah 4:5 Or over all the glory there

Cross references

  1. Isaiah 4:1 : S Isa 2:11
  2. Isaiah 4:1 : Isa 13:12; 32:9
  3. Isaiah 4:1 : 2Th 3:12
  4. Isaiah 4:1 : S Ge 30:23
  5. Isaiah 4:2 : S Isa 2:11
  6. Isaiah 4:2 : Isa 11:1-5; 52:13; 53:2; Jer 23:5-6; 33:15-16; Eze 17:22; Zec 3:8; 6:12
  7. Isaiah 4:2 : Isa 33:17; 53:2
  8. Isaiah 4:2 : S Ps 72:16; Eze 36:8
  9. Isaiah 4:2 : Isa 60:15; Eze 34:29
  10. Isaiah 4:2 : S Isa 1:9
  11. Isaiah 4:3 : S Isa 1:26
  12. Isaiah 4:3 : Isa 1:9; Ro 11:5
  13. Isaiah 4:3 : S Ex 19:6; Isa 26:2; 45:25; 52:1; 60:21; Joel 3:17; Ob 1:17; Zep 3:13
  14. Isaiah 4:3 : S Ps 56:8; S 87:6; S Lk 10:20
  15. Isaiah 4:4 : Isa 3:24
  16. Isaiah 4:4 : S SS 3:11
  17. Isaiah 4:4 : S Ps 51:2
  18. Isaiah 4:4 : S Isa 1:15
  19. Isaiah 4:4 : Isa 28:6
  20. Isaiah 4:4 : S Isa 1:31; S 30:30; S Zec 13:9; Mt 3:11; Lk 3:17
  21. Isaiah 4:5 : Isa 41:20; 65:18
  22. Isaiah 4:5 : Rev 14:1
  23. Isaiah 4:5 : S Ex 13:21
  24. Isaiah 4:5 : Isa 35:2; 58:8; 60:1
  25. Isaiah 4:5 : S Ps 18:11; Rev 7:15
  26. Isaiah 4:6 : Lev 23:34-43; Ps 27:5; Isa 8:14; 25:4; Eze 11:16
  27. Isaiah 4:6 : Isa 14:32; 25:4; 30:2; 57:13
  28. Isaiah 4:6 : S Ps 55:8