Timelines & Charts

Egyptian Chronology: Dynasties

Egyptian Chronology: Dynasties 1-5 Ancient Egypt was called the land of Khem. It was originally divided into Upper (Southern) and Lower (Northern) Egypt. There are various theories as to how Egypt became united - approximately 3000 BC....

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The Egyptian calendar

The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on the moon's cycles, but the lunar calendar failed to predict a critical event in their lives: the annual flooding of the Nile river. The Egyptians soon noticed that the first day the "Dog Star," which we call Sirius, in Canis Major was visible right before sunrise was special. The Egyptians were probably t...

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History Timeline of Ancient Egypt

Greek Dynasty- (332 - 30 B.C.) Persian Period II - (342 - 332 B.C.) Late Period II - (425 - 342 B.C.) Persian Period I - (517 - 425 B.C.) Late Period I - (1069 - 517 B.C.) New Kingdom -(1550 - 1069 B.C.E.) Intermediate Period II - (1650 - 1550 B.C.) Middle Kingdom - (2125 - 1650 B.C.) Intermediate Period I -(2181 - 2125 B.C.) Old Kingdom...

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Egyption Kings

A timeline that starts with the 1st Dynasty from 3050 - 2890 with the Egyption Kings and ends at Roman Emperors such as Augustus in 30 B.C. - 14 A.D....

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Timeline of Ancient Egyptian History

The History of Ancient Egypt. Dynasties. Periods. Significant People. Timeline of Ancient Egyptian History. (Contains a chronological timeline with things such as periods and dynasties.) Also includes a tour of the houses of Caesar, Mark, Antony, and Cleopatry....

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Table of Events

A timeline table of events that goes from Predynastic Period (c.5000-31000 BC)aboutThe kingdom of the Red Land all the way to the New Kingdom (1567-1085 BC)1113-1085: Ramesses XI....

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Ancient Egypt History Timeline

A timeline from 6500-2900 BC the Neolithic Period to 1453 AD when Eastern Rome dissolves....

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Biographical Egyption Timeline

Grolier Electronic Publishing presents a complete biographical timeline starting with the early cultures like the Inca's all the way to the New Kingdom with the Pharaoh's....

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A Timeline Of Ancient Egypt

Theban mapping project presents a timeline on ancient Egypt from Dynasty I in 3100 BC to Roman Emperors in 395 AD. In A.D. 395, a separation occurred between the western and eastern parts of the Roman Empire, leaving Constantinople with the supremacy of the East. Egypt maintained its role as grain provider for the Empire, but Alexandria lost its pr...

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A Timeline of the New Kingdom

Theban Mapping Project presents a timeline on the New Kingdom. It goes from 1546 BC with Ahmes I to 1070 BC with Rameses XI. Pictures are included. Dynasty 18 through Dynasty 20, known as the New Kingdom, witnessed a time of international prestige and prosperity for Egypt. The kings of this period conducted extensive military [14770], diplomatic an...

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