Timelines and Charts

Walking the Bible Timeline

Walking the Bible is a production of TMC Entertainment...

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CHRISTIAN TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS [People in History] [Tools and Searches]...

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A Chronology of the First Century of Christianity

By Jack Kilmon [Timeline] note: I do not necessarily agree to this timeline but it is helpful....

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Chronology of composition of the books of the NT

A likely chronology of composition of the books of the NT and other early Christian sources. [Timelines] [New Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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Childrens Resources

Until this section is finished being indexed into the main database you can click here to see a list of links including the Bible History Online general resources on this subject. [Childrens Resources]...

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New Testament Timeline

How long was the ministry of Jesus? When was Paul converted? When did Peter baptize the first Roman Centurion? How many missionary journeys did Paul conduct and when did they occur?...

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Chronological Table

Timeline Overview from Goodnews Christian Ministry....

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Date and Authenticity of the New Testament

In the early twentieth century, most scholars dated the New Testament documents as follows: Matthew, A.D. 851; Mark, A.D. 60-652; Luke, A.D. 80-853; John, A.D. 90-954; Pauline Epistles, A.D. 48-645....

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