
Teos in Tour Egypt

TEOS (TACHOS)(DJEHO) 365-360 B.C. 30TH DYNASTY Teos was the second ruler of the Thirtieth Dynasty and was the son of his predecessor, Nectanebo I. After his father had died, Teos took over the throne and planned an attack on the Persians. He had the help of mercenaries from Greece, but his own generals disagreed with his leadership and the entir...

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Teos of Egypt in Wikipedia

Teos was Pharaoh of Egypt between the years of 362 to 360 BC; he had been co-regent with his father Nectanebo I from about 365. He was overthrown by Nectanebo II with the aid of Agesilaus II of Sparta and was forced to flee to Persia by way of Arabia. The Persian king Artaxerxes II gave him refuge, and Teos lived in Persian exile until his dea...

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