
Tacitus in Roman Biography

Tac'I-tua, [ Kr. Tacite, tS'set'; It. Tacito, ta'che-to,] (Caius Cornelius,) a celebrated Roman historian, was born about 55 A.D. The events of his early life have not been recorded. He entered the public service in the reign of Vespasian, and married a daughter of C. Julius Agricola, the famous general, in 78 A.I). He was an intimate friend of Pli...

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Tacitus in Wikipedia

Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (AD 56 – AD 117) was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire. The surviving portions of his two major works-the Annals and the Histories- examine the reigns of the Roman Emperors Tiberius, Claudius, Nero and those who reigned in the Year of the Four Emperors. These two works span the history of the Rom...

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Tacĭtus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

Publius Cornelius. (The praenomen, Publius, is given in the best MS. [Med. I.]; and in an inscription.) One of the greatest of the Roman writers of history. The time and place of his birth are unknown. He was a little older than the younger Pliny , who was born A.D. 61. His father was probably Cornelius Tacitus, a Roman eques, who is mentioned as...

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