
Stilicho in Roman Biography

Stili-cho, [Gr. ZtiMxoh ; Fr. Stilicon, ste'le'k6N',] (Flavius,) an eminent commander of the Roman armies, was a son of a Vandal officer. He rose rapidly in the reign of Theodosius, and was sent as ambassador to Persia in 384 a.d., at which date he was a young man. On his return he married Serena, a niece of Theodosius I., and became commander-in-c...

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Stilicho in Wikipedia

Flavius Stilicho (occasionally written as Stilico) (ca. 359 – August 22, 408) was a high-ranking general (magister militum), Patrician and Consul of the Western Roman Empire, notably of semi-barbarian birth. Career - Stilicho was the son of a Vandal father and a Roman mother. Despite his father's origins there is little to suggest that Stilicho ...

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Stilĭcho in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

The son of a Vandal leader, who became one of the most distinguished generals of Theodosius I., on whose death (A.D. 395) he became the real ruler of the West under the emperor Honorius. It was he who defeated Alaric at the battle of Pollentia (403 A.D.) and thus saved the Western Empire from the Visigoths. In 405 he won a great victory over R...

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