Smenkhkare (Ankhkheperure)

Smenkhkare (Ankhkheperure) in Tour Egypt

SMENKHKARE, AN OBSCURE PHARAOH OF THE 18TH DYMASTY by Jimmy Dunn - We list Smenkhkare as the eleventh pharaoh of Egypt's famous 18th Dynasty, ruling from 1336 until about 1334 BC. In point of fact, he may never have ruled on his own, though in the later years of Akhenaten reign, he was probably a co-regent. His birth name was Smenkh-ka-re (or D...

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Smenkhkare in Wikipedia

Smenkhkare (sometimes erroneously spelled Smenkhare or Smenkare and meaning Vigorous is the Soul of Ra) was an ephemeral Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh of the late Eighteenth Dynasty, of whom very little is known for certain. Believed by a growing number of experts to be the mummy from KV55, he is believed to be a younger son of Amenhotep III and quee...

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