
Sibyls in Wikipedia

The word sibyl comes (via Latin) from the Greek word sibylla, meaning prophetess. The earliest oracular seeresses known as the sibyls of antiquity, "who admittedly are known only through legend"[1] prophesied at certain holy sites, under the divine influence of a deity, originally- at Delphi and Pessinos- one of the chthonic earth-goddesses. L...

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Sibylla in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

(*Si/bulla) is the name by which several prophetic women are designated who occur in various countries and at different times in antiquity. The name is said to be formed from Διὸς and βουλή, so that it would signify the counsel of Zeus (Plut. Phaedr. p. 244; Serv. ad Aen. 3.445). The first Sibyl, from whom all the rest are said to have derived...

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