Seti II (Userkheperuresetepenre)

Seti II (Userkheperuresetepenre) in Tour Egypt

SETI II AND HIS TOMB (KV15) IN THE VALLEY OF THE KINGS by Mark Andrews & Jimmy Dunn King Seti II Seti II was probably the fifth or sixth king of Egypt's 19th Dynasty, depending on the treatment we give Amenmessses who may have ruled before, concurrently or even after him (though that is less likely). Seti (mer-en-ptah) was this king's birth...

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Seti II in Wikipedia

Seti II (or Sethos II), was the fifth ruler of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt and reigned from 1203 BC - 1197 BC. His throne name, Userkheperure Setepenre, meant "Powerful are the Manifestations of Re, Chosen by Re.'[3] He was the son of Merneptah and wife Isisnofret and sat on the throne during a period known for dynastic intrigue and short rei...

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