Setakht (Userkhauremeryamun)

Setakht (Userkhauremeryamun) in Tour Egypt

SETNAKHTE, THE FIRST KING OF EGYPT'S 20TH DYNASTY by Jimmy Dunn -- Setnakhte was the first king of Egypt's 20th Dynasty, the last dynasty of the New Kingdom. This is the king's birth name that, together with his epithet, mereramunre, means "Victorious is Set, Beloved of Amun Re". He is sometimes also known as Setnakht and Sethnakht. His throne n...

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Setnakhte in Wikipedia

Userkhaure-setepenre Setnakhte (or Setnakht) was the first Pharaoh (1190 BC–1186 BC) of the Twentieth Dynasty of the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt and the father of Ramesses III. Setnakhte was not the son, brother or a direct descendant of the previous Pharaoh, Merneptah Siptah, nor of his predecessor Seti II, whom Setnakht formally considered the...

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