Sekhemkhet (Djoser Teti)

Sekhemkhet (Djoser Teti) in Tour Egypt

KING SEKHEMKHET AND HIS PYRAMID AT SAQQARA BY ALAN WINSTON & JIMMY DUNN. Almost everything we know about Sekhemkhet ("Powerful in Body"), we know because of his unfinished (Buried) pyramid at Saqqara, and it seems to give us little facts about his life. The only evidence outside of this tomb is a scene depicted at Wadi Maghara in the Sinai ...

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Sekhemkhet in Wikipedia

Sekhemkhet was a Pharaoh in Egypt during the Third dynasty. According to the Manethonian tradition, a king known as Tyris (which may be compared to the Turin Canon's "Djoser-ti") reigned for a relatively brief period of seven years, and modern scholars believe Djoserty and Sekhemkhet are the same person. While the Turin Canon gives Sekhemkhet ...

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