
Phocylides in Wikipedia

Phocylides (Φωκυλίδης ὁ Μιλήσιος), Greek gnomic poet of Miletus, contemporary of Theognis of Megara, was born about 560 BC. A few fragments of his "maxims" have survived (chiefly in the Florilegium of Stobaeus), in which he expresses his contempt for the pomps and vanities of rank and wealth, and sets forth in simple language his ideas of honour, ...

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Phocylĭdes in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898)

(Φωκυλίδης). An Ionian poet of Miletus, born B.C. 560. His poetry was chiefly gnomic (see Epos), and only a few fragments of it survive, 18 in number. A poem in 217 hexameters, entitled Ποίημα Νουθετικόν, which has come down under his name, is a later forgery....

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