Philip the Arab

Philip the Arab in Roman Biography

Philippus, (M. Julius,) a Roman emperor, was a native of Trachonitis. He obtained the imperial power by the murder of Gordlan, in 244 A.D. The senate confirmed the choice of the army. He made peace with Persia in 244. In 248 or 247 A.D. he celebrated the thousandth anniversary of the origin of Rome. He was killed at Verona in 249 A.D., in a battle ...

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Autocrates in Wikipedia

Autocrates was an Ancient Athenian poet of the old comedy. One of his plays is mentioned by Suidas and Aelian.[1] He also wrote several tragedies. [2] The Autocrates quoted by Athenaeus[3] seems to have been a different person....

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Philip the Arab in Wikipedia

Marcus Julius Philippus (c. 204–249), commonly known as Philip the Arab or Philippus I Arabs, was Roman Emperor from 244 to 249. He came from Syria, and rose to become a major figure in the empire. He achieved power after the death of Gordian III, quickly negotiating peace with the Persian empire. During his reign Rome celebrated its millennium....

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Philippus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

M. Iulius Philippus I., Roman emperor A.D. 244-249, was an Arabian by birth, and entered the Roman army, in which he rose to high rank. He accompanied Gordianus III. in his expedition against the Persians; and upon the death of the excellent Misitheus (see Misitheus), he was promoted to the vacant office of praetorian praefect. He availed himself...

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