
Nobah Scripture - Judges 8:11

And Gideon went up by the way of them that dwelt in tents on the east of Nobah and Jogbehah, and smote the host: for the host was secure....

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Nobah Scripture - Numbers 32:42

And Nobah went and took Kenath, and the villages thereof, and called it Nobah, after his own name....

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Nobah in Wikipedia

Nobah, of the Tribe of Manasseh defeated the Amorites, took the villages of Kenath and renamed it Nobah according to Numbers 32:42....

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Nobah in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(barking), an Israelite warrior, Nu 32:42 who during the conquest of the territory on the east of Jordan possessed himself of the town of Kenath and the villages or hamlets dependent upon it, and gave them his own name. (B.C.1450.) For a certain period after the establishment of the Israelite rule the new name remained, Jud 8:11 but it is not ...

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Nobah in Easton's Bible Dictionary

howling. (1.) Num. 32:42. (2.) The name given to Kenath (q.v.) by Nobah when he conquered it. It was on the east of Gilead (Judg. 8:11)....

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Nobah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

1. An Israelite of Manasseh the conqueror of Kenath and its dependent villages E. of Jordan (Numbers 32:42). 2. The town so named by Nobah instead of its former name, Kenath (Judges 8:11). The old name is revived in Kenawat in the Lejah or Trachonitis. But Ewald identified Nobah with Nawa on the Damascus road, 16 miles E. from the N. end of t...

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Nobah in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

no'-ba (nobhah; Codex Vaticanus Naboth, Nabai; Codex Alexandrinus Naboth, Nabeth): (1) Nobah the Manassite, we are told, "went and took Kenath, and the villages thereof, and called it Nobah, after his own name" (Nu 32:42). There can be little doubt that the ancient Kenath is represented by the modern Qanawat, on the western slope of Jebel ed-D...

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Nobah in Naves Topical Bible

-An Israelite Nu 32:42...

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