Nicomedes I of Bithynia

Nicomedes I of Bithynia in Wikipedia

Nicomedes I (Greek: Nικoμήδης; 278–c. 255 BC), second king of Bithynia, was the eldest son of Zipoites, whom he succeeded on the throne in 278 BC.[1] Overview He commenced his reign by putting to death two of his brothers but the third, subsequently called Zipoites II, raised an insurrection against him and succeeded in maintaining himself, for so...

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Nicomēdes in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898)

Nicomēdes I., king of Bithynia, was the eldest son of Zipoetes, whom he succeeded, B.C. 278. With the aid of the Gauls, whom he invited into Asia, he defeated and put to death his brother Zipoetes, who had for some time held the independent sovereignty of a considerable part of Bithynia. The rest of his reign appears to have been undisturbed, and u...

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