Neferirkare Kakai

Neferirkare Kakai in Tour Egypt

NEFERIRKARE KAKAI BY JIMMY DUNN. Documenting kings of ancient Egypt can be daunting, particularly with those such as Neferirkara Kakai. We actually know more about one of his officials named Ty, who was the overseer of the pyramid complexes and sun temples under both Neferirkara and other kings, then we do about Neferirkara himself. Much more...

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Neferirkare Kakai in Wikipedia

Neferirkare Kakai was the third Pharaoh of Egypt during the Fifth dynasty. His prenomen, Neferirkare, means "Beautiful is the Soul of Ra."[2] His Horus name was Userkhau,[3] his Golden Horus name Sekhemunebu and his Nebti name Khaiemnebty. It is not known with any certainty who Neferirkare's parents were. Some Egyptologists see him as a son of...

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