Nectanebo II

Nectanebo II in Tour Egypt

NECTANEBO II, THE LAST ANCIENT EGYPTIAN NATIVE KING by Jimmy Dunn -- The 30th Dynasty was not one of Egypt's greatest moments, despite the fact that Nectanebo I, the founder of the dynasty, may have provided us with a last a vision of the empire's past. By the end of the 30th Dynasty and the reign of Nectanebo II, Egypt would no longer be ruled ...

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Nectanebo II in Wikipedia

Nectanebo II (ruled 360 - 343 BC), also known by the name Nakhthoreb, was the third and last king of the Thirtieth dynasty of Egypt and also the last native Egyptian ruler of the country in antiquity. Nectanebo was placed on the Egyptian throne by the Spartan king Agesilaus II, who helped him overthrow Teos and fight off a rival pretender. After ...

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