Nectanebo I

Nectanebo I in Tour Egypt

NECTANEBO I, THE FIRST RULER OF EGYPT'S 30TH AND LAST NATIVE EGYPTIAN DYNASTY BY JIMMY DUNN -- Nectanebo I (Nakhtnebef) of Sebennytos (modern Sammanud) founded the 30th Dynasty, the last dynasty to be ruled by native Egyptians, late in Egypt's Pharaonic Period. His birth name was Nakhtnebef, meaning "strong in his Lord", while his throne name wa...

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Nectanebo I in Wikipedia

Nectanabo (or more properly Nekhtnebef) was a pharaoh of the Thirtieth dynasty of Egypt. In 380 BC, Nectanebo deposed and killed Nefaarud II, starting the last dynasty of Egyptian kings. He seems to have spent much of his reign defending his kingdom from Persian reconquest with the occasional help of troops from Athens or Sparta. He is also known...

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