
THE PERSIAN WARS - The Size of Persian Fleet

The problem of the size of the Persian army can be illuminated by considering the size of the Persian fleet, since there must have been a proportion between the two forces. Herodotus reports that the fleet consisted of 1207 triremes and 3000 lesser fighting ships and supply ships (VII 89, 184). The figure of 1207 triremes is itemized by specifying ...

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Reconstruction of Achaemenid Battle-Ship in Shiraz

After studying 47 Iranian and Aniranian historical resources an Achaemenid ship's original design was re-sketched. The archetype of this ship, which is a kind of "Three Room" model, was used as a battleship during Achaemenid dynasty. Now a small model of that ship has been made in Shiraz, Iran. In the construction of a new model of an Achaemenid ba...

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