N.T. Studies

Religion Detoxification: The Gospel Writers

A quote from the new religion detoxification book, The Gospel Writers. A theory of Historical Jesus set within the context of a social tool (the Ruling Class - Worker Bee model) developed and used by Walled City-States, c. 6,500 BCE, when kingships and hereditary monarchies began to replace democratic assembles....

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Angels on the Web

Angels on the Web is a comprehensive guide to angels in religion, culture and art. It covers the topic from every religious tradition""Judaism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Mormonism, you name it""and every angle. The highlight is a 550-thumbnail images library, from Medieval manuscripts to contemporary fantasy....

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History and the New Testament

By Jack Kilmon, Text and Images [Archaeology] [Bible History]...

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Transmission of the Greek New Testament

The finalizing of the canon of the NT... [New Testament Studies] [Answers & Evidence] [Bible History]...

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Christian 'bias' in the NT Writers

Does it render the NT unreliable or inadmissible as evidence? [Answers]] [New Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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What are the oldest NT manuscripts we posess?

[New Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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Manuscripts Support for the Bible's Reliability

Thus, in the Bible as we have it (and as it is conveyed to us through faithful translations) we do have for practical purposes the very Word of God, inasmuch as the manuscripts do convey to us the complete vital truth of the originals. By practicing the science of textual criticism - comparing all the available manuscripts with each other - we c...

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On an objection about Luke, Quirinius, and Herods

Questions asked to Glenn Miller [Answers]] [New Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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Chronology of composition of the books of the NT

A chronology of composition of the books of the NT and other early Christian sources by Tom Elseroad. [Timelines] [New Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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Reliability of the New Testament and alleged Bias

My Interaction with James Still over the alleged bias and reliability of the NT by Glenn Miller [Answers]] [New Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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