N.T. Customs

Kinship in Bible Times

From Dr. K. C. Hanson, "The social domain of kinship covers a broad range of institutions: genealogy and descent, marriage and divorce, and dowry-systems and inheritance. Because kinship in the ancient Mediterranean impacted virtually every part of life and every other social domain, it is fundamental for readers of the Bible to have a solid grasp ...

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Josephus' References to Crucifixion

"Josephus (b. 37 C.E.) is our best literary source for the practice of crucifixion in Israel during the Greco-Roman period. As a general in command of the Jewish forces of Galilee in the Great Revolt against Rome (66-73 C.E.), he reports his attempts to save the lives of three crucified captives by appealing directly to the Roman general Titus. One...

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Travelers and Strangers

"Hospitality" in the Middle East. Short article dealing with the implications of Near Eastern social customs relating to travelers and resident aliens. From Christian Resource Institute....

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Speaking the Language of Canaan

A paper dealing with the Israelite appropriation of metaphors, symbols, and conceptual categories from the "pool" of ancient Middle Eastern culture, noting both the similarities and differences, and the implications both for understanding the OT, as well as for addressing the modern conflict of science and religion. From Christian Resource Institut...

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Israel's Codes of Conduct

Israel's Codes of Conduct Compared to Surrounding Nations A comparison of Israel's social laws as based on the Ten Words (Ten Commandments) with those of surrounding nations; while they shared many aspects, Israel's laws differed in three important ways....

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Tax Collectors and Sinners

Short article identifying these two groups in the social background of 1st century AD Judaism. From Christian Resource Institute....

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Inheritance Practices

Inheritance Practices in the First Century Era. Short article providing background for Luke's story of the Prodigal son. From Christian Resource Institute....

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The Needy in Jewish Tradition

Brief look at the development from biblical persepctives of ways of dealing with the poor and needy in Judaism. From Christian Resource Institute....

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The Suffering Servant: Delving into the Identity of the Messiah in Jewish Tradition

Isaiah 53 paints a portrait of a mysterious "suffering servant" who endures pain for the sake of others. In Jewish tradition, the identity of this figure has sparked centuries of debate. Is it the Messiah, a future king who will redeem a persecuted Israel? Or does it represent the entire Jewish people, enduring historical hardships yet ultimately c...

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