
Mnemosyne in Wikipedia

Mnemosyne (Greek Mνημοσύνη, pronounced /nɪˈmɒzɪni/ or /nɪ ˈmɒsəni/), source of the word mnemonic,[2] was the personification of memory in Greek mythology. This titaness was the daughter of Gaia and Uranus and the mother of the nine Muses by Zeus: Calliope (Epic Poetry) Clio (History) Erato (Love Poetry) Euterpe (Music) Melpomene (Tragedy) Polyhy...

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Mnemosyne in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

(Μνημοσύνη), i. e. memory, a daughter of Uranus, and one of the Titanides, became by Zeus the mother of the Muses. (Hom. Hymn. in Merc. 429; Hes. Th. 54, 915; Diod. 5.67; Orph. Hymn. 76; Cic. De Nat. Deor. 3.21.) Pausanias (1.2.4) mentions a statue of Mnemosyne at Athens; and near the oracle of Tropllonius she had a sacred well and a throne. (...

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