Military History

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Siege Warfare Artillery and Fortifications

Development of the Roman Legion from the late Republic to the height of the Empire. Campaigns and battles. Tactics and weapons of the Roman armies. Siege warfare / fortification. Profiles of the greatest military commanders. [The Glory That Was Rome]...

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Roman Naval Warfare

The Quinquereme, The Corvus. Service in the fleet was for 26 years after which sailors received citizenship. Water ways were patrolled to control piracy and keep shipments of supplies and troops free to go where they were needed....

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The Commanders

Development of the Roman Legion from the late Republic to the height of the Empire. Campaigns and battles. Tactics and weapons of the Roman armies. Siege warfare / fortification. Profiles of the greatest military commanders....

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Warfare in the Roman World

Bibliography; General Works The Army of the Republic Legions, Augustus to Diocletian Auxiliaries, Augustus to Diocletian The Late Roman Army Fleet Guard Troops Recruiting Equipment Pay Logistics Enemies Strategy Collections of Papers Command...

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The Roman Army

The core of the Roman legion consisted of heavily armored infantry. Disciplined and well trained these soldiers fought in closed ranks. At every level the men of a legion fought together toward ultimate victory. In contrast most of the armies Rome faced were warrior based where each man fought for personal glory. This combination of superior organi...

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Siege Warfare Artillery and Fortifications

The Romans brought combat engineering to such an art that it wasn`t matched again until the Second World War. A high level of organization plus a determination to thoroughly address all aspects of battle led the Romans to integrate a wide range of tactics and tools into their fighting....

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The Armies of The Roman Empire

Development of the Roman Legion from the late Republic to the height of the Empire. Campaigns and battles. Tactics and weapons of the Roman armies. Siege warfare / fortification. Profiles of the greatest military commanders. [Warfare] [Rome]...

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