
Miletus in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Acts 20:15; Acts 20:17; where Paul on his third missionary journey (A.D. 51) assembled and addressed the elders of Ephesus, 25 miles distant to the N. Miletus was a day's sail from Trogyllium (Acts 20:15) and in the direct course for Cos (Acts 21:1). He visited Miletus again before his last imprisonment, and left Trophimus there sick (2 Timoth...

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Miletus Scripture - Acts 20:15

And we sailed thence, and came the next [day] over against Chios; and the next [day] we arrived at Samos, and tarried at Trogyllium; and the next [day] we came to Miletus....

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Miletus Scripture - Acts 20:17

And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church....

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Miletus in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

mi-le'-tus (Miletos): A famous early Ionian Greek city on the coast of Caria, near the mouth of the Meander River, which, according to Acts 20:15--21:1, and 2 Tim 4:20 (the King James Version "Miletum"), Paul twice visited. In the earliest times it was a prominent trading post, and it is said that 75 colonies were founded by its merchants. Amo...

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Miletus in Naves Topical Bible

Also called MILETUM -A seaport in Asia Minor -Paul visits Ac 20:15 -And sends to Ephesus for the elders of the congregation, and addresses them at Ac 20:17-38 -Trophimus left sick at 2Ti 4:20...

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Miletus in Smiths Bible Dictionary

Ac 20:15,17 less correctly called MILETUM in 2Ti 4:20 It lay on the coast, 36 miles to the south of Ephesus, a day's sail from Trogyllium. Ac 20:15 Moreover, to those who are sailing from the north it is in the direct line for Cos. The site of Miletus has now receded ten miles from the coast, and even in the apostles' time it must have lost it...

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Miletus in Easton's Bible Dictionary

(Miletum, 2 Tim. 4:20), a seaport town and the ancient capital of Ionia, about 36 miles south of Ephesus. On his voyage from Greece to Syria, Paul touched at this port, and delivered that noble and pathetic address to the elders ("presbyters," ver. 28) of Ephesus recorded in Acts 20:15-35. The site of Miletus is now some 10 miles from the ...

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