Lysias (Claudius)

Lysias in Wikipedia

Lysias (Greek: Λυσίας) (born ca. 445 BC; died ca. 380 BC) was a logographer (speech writer) in Ancient Greece. He was one of the ten Attic orators included in the "Alexandrian Canon" compiled by Aristophanes of Byzantium and Aristarchus of Samothrace in the third century BCE......

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Lysias Scripture - Acts 24:22

And when Felix heard these things, having more perfect knowledge of [that] way, he deferred them, and said, When Lysias the chief captain shall come down, I will know the uttermost of your matter....

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Lysias Scripture - Acts 23:26

Claudius Lysias unto the most excellent governor Felix [sendeth] greeting....

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Lysias Scripture - Acts 24:7

But the chief captain Lysias came [upon us], and with great violence took [him] away out of our hands,...

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Lysias in Easton's Bible Dictionary

the chief captain (chiliarch) who commanded the Roman troops in Jerusalem, and sent Paul under guard to the procurator Felix at Caesarea (Acts 21:31-38; 22:24-30). His letter to his superior officer is an interesting specimen of Roman military correspondence (23:26-30). He obtained his Roman citizenship by purchase, and was therefore proba...

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Lysias in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

A Roman chiliarch or captain in charge of the troops of the citadel Antonia at Paul's last visit to Jerusalem. He rescued Paul from the fanatical crowd, and subsequently from the plot of more than 40 zealots against his life (Acts 21:27-36; Acts 23:12-33). With worldly tact he in writing to Felix makes no mention of having bound Paul for scour...

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Lysias in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(dissolving), a nobleman of the blood-royal, 1Macc 3:32; 2Macc 11:1, who was entrusted he Antiochus Epiphanes (cir. B.C. 166) with the government of southern Syria and the guardianship of his son Antiochus Eupator. 1Macc 3:32; 2Macc. 10:11. After the death of Antiochus Epiphanes, B.C. 184, Lysias assumed the government as guardian of his son, ...

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Lysias in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

lis'-i-as (Lusias): (1) "A noble man, and one of the blood royal" whom Antiochus Epiphanes (circa 166 BC) left with the government of Southern Syria and the guardianship of his son, while he went in person into Persia to collect the revenues which were. not coming in satisfactorily (1 Macc 3:32; 2 Macc 10:11). According to Josephus (Ant., XII,...

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Lysias in Naves Topical Bible

-Chief captain of Roman troops in Jerusalem Ac 24:7,22 -See CLAUDIUS LYSIAS...

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