
Lysander in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

A Spartan, who rose to eminence towards the end of the Peloponnesian War, and was placed in command of the Lacedaemonian troops, on the coast of Asia Minor, B.C. 407. Having about him little of the old Spartan severity, and being ready to sacrifice that personal and national pride and inflexibility, which were the peculiar characteristics of the Sp...

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Lysander in Wikipedia

Lysander (died 395 BC, Greek: Λύσανδρος, Lýsandros) was a Spartan general who commanded the Spartan fleet in the Hellespont which defeated the Athenians at Aegospotami in 405 BC. The following year, he was able to force the Athenians to capitulate, bringing the Peloponnesian War to an end; he organized the dominion of Sparta over Greece in the last...

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