
Lucretius in Roman Biography

Lucretius, lu-kree'she^s, [Fr. Lucrece, Ki'kRjss'; It. Lucrezio, loo-kReYse-o; Sp. Lucrf.chi, loo-kRa'- theo,] or, to give his full name, Ti'tus Lucre'tius Ca'rus, one of the greatest Latin poets, was born in Italy in 95 B.C., and was contemporary with Cicero. The records of antiquity throw scarcely any light on his life, which was probably passed ...

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Lucretius in Wikipedia

Titus Lucretius Carus (ca. 99 BC – ca. 55 BC) was a Roman poet and philosopher. His only known work is the epic philosophical poem on Epicureanism De rerum natura, translated into English as On the Nature of Things or "On the Nature of the Universe". Life of Lucretius - Very little is known about Lucretius's life; the only certain fact is that h...

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Lucretius Carus, Titus in Harpers Dictionary

A Roman poet and philosopher who was born probably in B.C. 98 or 96; the year is uncertain. Of his birthplace and parentage nothing is known. St. Jerome is authority for the statement that he was made insane by a love-philter, and finally committed suicide, having composed some books in the intervals of his madness. According to Donatus, he died ...

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