
Lesbonax in Wikipedia

Lesbonax, of Mytilene, Greek sophist and rhetorician, flourished in the time of Caesar Augustus. According to Photius I of Constantinople he was the author of sixteen political speeches, of which two are extant, a hortatory speech after the style of Thucydides, and a speech on the Corinthian War. In the first he exhorts the Athenians against the Sp...

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Lesbōnax in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

1. A Greek rhetorician who lived early in the first century of our era. He composed political declamations on imaginary topics. Two of these have come down to us, exhorting the Athenians in the Peloponnesian War to be bold in battle against the Thebans and the Spartans. They have been separately edited by Orelli (Leipzig, 1820). 2. A Greek grammar...

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