
Hetepsekhemwy (Hotepsekhemwy) in Tour Egypt

HOTEPSEKHEMWY, THE 1ST KING OF EGYPT'S 2ND DYNASTY by Jimmy Dunn Perhaps because it does not have the prestige of the 1st Dynasty, or the great monuments built during the 3rd Dynasty, Egypt's 2nd Dynasty seems almost an interlude. It is doubtful that Egyptologists have put the effort into this era that they have the dynasties before and a...

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Hetepsekhemwy in Wikipedia

Hotepsekhemwy (in Greek known as Boethos), was the first king of the Second dynasty of Egypt. His name means "Pleasing in Powers."[1] Little is known about his reign. Biography Pharaoh Hotepsekhemwy became ruler of Egypt through his marriage to a daughter of the first dynasty king, Qa'a. However it is not known whether he was related to the ...

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